Link building
To talk about the concept of link building, you need to know exactly what a link itself means and what role it plays. You will be able to understand the essence of our services based on this information, and you can confidently decide the big question that arises for every website owner: does your website need Hungarian link building?
It’s so much better if we don’t have to convince you, but you realize it yourself! We simply guide you through the process.
Did you know that today we have the largest and most diverse link building portfolio in Hungary?
Our secret is simple:
- we have a balanced pricing policy,
- through our partners and contacts we have put together a wide range of portals,
- if you order from us, you can build a transparent, verifiable link profile for your website in a transparent way,
- we do all of this with 10 years of experience on the Hungarian and even other markets
Before you look at the sometimes depressing and frightening comments you may read on the web, about how harmful and reprehensible the methods of getting a Hungarian backlink are, read on!
There is no real experience behind most of these sentences, only the mantras of half-thruths from Google’s – in many cases – ambiguous statements and the uncertainty of customers.
Let’s not forget the fact that Google dictates the terms, and it is primarily in its best interest to steer everyone towards Google Ads and spend money on it, and not at some Hungarian SEO agency with years of experience.
Of course, Google Ads is also a channel that is worth and even needs to be used!
Conversely, while Google Ads is an instant, initially high-cost customer acquisition system, optimizing for organic results lasts significantly longer, but has much more stable results over time. Last but not least, it is also cheaper.
But to arrive to a full recognition that link building is alive and it will still live on for a long time, all you have to do is read this article until the last sentence!
The concept of links
What is a backlink?
A backlink, also known as a hypertext, is actually the link that connects two web pages or different subpages of a website.
It is used to get (jump) from one internet file (website) to another. In a literal translation it means a chain link, and it will be valuable if it intertwines with the previous one and is related to the next one.
So only those links that are linked to other links are valuable. Chain links can be found in a pile that are not orphaned by themselves, but have connections.
How do links work?
Like human relationships, we can say that each link is valuable to some degree.
But when these relationships reach a critical mass, we humans also start to weigh their value, and some relationships have less value to us, while others are very valuable.
We may not delete this person from our contacts, but we simply no longer know or trust that connection. Translated into computer language, we no longer deal with signals coming from there. From then on however, we only strive for quality connections.
In everyday language, linking and link building work similarly.
A website has an amount of links that can already be said to be critical, that is, the amount of backlinks for a given website that is already too much for Google to ignore or negatively rate is highly variable, but clearly depends on quality.
Links and Google
Imagine that the hyperlink itself is a solution left over from the prehistoric internet. It is a concept from 1989, or if we look at the idea itself, it is the key to accessing, sharing and connecting different databases and documents online.
From this emerged the web known today, the World Wide Web.
It’s been more than half a century since the idea was born, and since then, the turn of the millennium also passed. Here is Google, the best-known and 2nd most valuable brand in the world today, a sophisticated rating, ranking and listing system that manages all the Internet documents (web pages, media content, images, etc.) available on the World Wide Web.
Let’s guess what is the main basis for its systematization? Yes! It is based on links!
If we start from the premise that the basics of the Internet actually rely on backlinks, then why would we think that:
- backlinks are worthless?
- reciprocal links are penalized by Google?
Ranking factors in Google
Among the many millions of websites on the web, Google differentiates based on ranking factors. It also compiles the list of results you see for a particular keyword, taking into account other considerations (such as time of day, country, random factor, etc.).
In fact, every website about SEO describes how Google developers invented the Page Rank at the time, which is the basis for ranking. It still exists today, except it is not public. Anyone who had a stake in SEO, and was interested in how Google works can still remember the public Page Rank values that were revoked in early 2016.
Google’s algorithm has one of the most advanced self-learning features and is constantly trying to understand users ’search intentions. In Hungarian too.
However, it is still a mistake to think that the importance of trust signals coming from links has diminished.
All that has happened is that Google now understands this too, “knows” how much the link juice of a given link is worth to the website it is pointing to, because it knows the linking website in the same way! That’s why you should only strive for quality link building in Hungary!
Thus it can be said that it can now filter out spam in an elegant way from both sides: linking and linked pages.
In addition, quality expectations and additional factors influencing rankings that simply did not exist before have become more valuable.
Focus on the user experience
The focus has been on maximizing the user’s search intent and user experience, which will be evaluated by an algorithm in the future, all of which will become a prominent ranking factor.
If you are aware of this and know:
- which are the current quality guidelines,
- what technical requirements Google has,
- what Hungarian search engine optimization factors to follow on page and off page,
- what content requirements apply…
Then you also know that all of this is not meant to serve the algorithms of the search engine, but the visitor, the user, potential customers – whatever we call it – which implies the possibility of good placement.
I intentionally write „opportunity” because it – no matter how good it sounds – isn’t enough!
At least not on the Hungarian market for a long time now. This still requires the type of link acquisition that we do a little differently than others!
If you had to decide on off page SEO now, what would you do?
Suppose at this moment you are saying that you do not care.
You don’t want to deal with the “crap” of Google, but you know that on page SEO within search engine optimization is just one pillar of good ranking. You know you need off page SEO as well.
Very well written professional, search engine optimized content is important, so you are constantly blogging, building your social media presence, as well.
SEO experts are constantly advising you that you can only advance your placement with a clean link profile and quality links, but you have no idea where to get it?
All you have to do is ask for an offer or choose from our Hungarian link building packages now! Even better! We help you choose!
We offer quality links in several segments and setups that have been proven over the years. We aren’t the ones saying this, but the hundreds of customers we worked with or have been working with on website optimization for years.
Quality, natural link building is already a basic requirement in modern, 21st century search engine optimization in Hungary!
We represent several levels in this too! Our company recommendation: a balanced combination of our SEO portfolio.
Link building Hungary – off page SEO – differently than others
We know that link building, part of off page SEO, is the activity that takes place outside of a particular website. As part of this activity, we place links in a quality context in all cases, regardless of the type of link building.
But really, it’s time to move on from the concept of link building because we are no longer selling simply links, but quality PR articles that we place a link in.
What anchor text we use and what subpages we link to can be determined in advance from rank tracking and subpage-keyword relevance.
Take a look at our Hungarian link building portfolio:
Quality PR Articles
Modern, quality PR articles – at least what you get from us – have a dual role:
- getting a backlink, which is clear
- sales impact because we are not writing articles just to place a backlink in a larger context, but to provide valuable information to the reader, who is more likely to click on the link.
The need for quality PR articles was actually triggered by Google’s new focus, which drove webmasters to build quality, natural links, namely through the attention on user interactivity.
That is, websites that have high traffic and high domain values deliver significantly higher link juice, and have a stronger trust signal.
The keywords of a highly competitive webshop or website are hard to move forward in the SERPS or keep stable around a given position.
Quality PR articles in Hungarian magazines, on the other hand, can stabilize and dramatically advance your keywords in the search engines.
If quality, natural link building is the number one goal, we recommend appearing on these sites!
We have three reasons for this:
1. the trend shows that there is a growing demand for quality, clean links in line with Google’s recommendation,
2. it works effectively,
3. affordable prices for SMEs and sole proprietors.
Our portfolio includes more than 150 Hungarian online publications, and we are constantly expanding the list and researching new partners.
In order for a portal to be included in our portfolio, it needs to go through multiple filters so that we can only serve our customers with high-quality, naturally structured, high traffic and powerful authority sites.
Thematic link building
Theme and relevance go hand in hand, but now it has a particularly high value in several ways.
When creating a website, it is always a priority to keep the topic as homogeneous as possible.
For example, selling slippers or home cleaners in a stationery online store is not beneficial because it falls too far from the subject matter. On the other hand, you can safely sell relevant products such as mouse pads, print cartridges and toners, etc. in a stationery web store.
The more Google can identify the topic, the more times our website or webshop will appear in its search results.
I have described above, but it is important to emphasize several times: the key ranking factor in the long run will be how much time the visitor spends on our website, and what experience they leave with. Because this will affect whether they return or not.
In addition, if a website that deals with a particular topic is referenced by a website about the same or a relevant topic, is, in fact, the best sign of credibility in Google’s eyes.
The higher the value of a link from a page that is relevant to our topic or at least to our keywords, the more we will not only increase the value of our domain, but also the expert status of our website to Google.
And authority websites are repeatedly shown to the user in the search results because they satisfy the search intent, and they will presumably find useful information there.
In the English-speaking world, this is almost the only strategy that works for quality link acquisition for a number of years: links from thematic pages.
For the time being, there is less demand in the Hungarian language area and fewer pages are available for the widespread use of thematic Hungarian link building. But it already exists! Which is also welcome because this trend is going to break into our market more and more.
One of our key developments is the compilation of a portfolio of quality thematic portals where we can place quality PR articles on a variety of topics.
We can undertake a limited amount of thematic link building now!
PBN blog network
PBN = Private Blog Network, in the Hungarian market we refer to it with the fancy name “premium link building”.
We ask those with weaker nerves to turn away, because we are touching on a sensitive topic that is being shunned by SEO experts.
Every self-proclaimed Hungarian SEO professional describes on their website how low-quality it is, how detrimental (and even toxic) it is to your website, how much it should be avoided, for buyers and sellers alike. Fortunately, there are those who acknowledge its legitimacy, and despite all the horroristic words, PBN link building WORKS. Among those people are our customers to whom we have been building links for years.
It is true that:
- a PBN link is of low quality, if its values do not reach the minimum expected level, currently the DA10 value in the Hungarian market,
- it is toxic if the domain has a high Spam Score,
- they may be detrimental if all domains have the same name, IP address and hosting,
- it may be toxic to your website if broken links are never deleted or dealt with if the pages are hacked,
- or if it has zero unique, unlinked content.
The worst strategy is when nothing more happens than the Hungarian link building agency linking together its clients’ websites in a network. In many cases, website owners themselves are the most active supporters of this strategy.
In this case, if Google drops one site from the index, all the other pages will also disappear into thin air, as this kind of interlinking is also a kind of PBN blog network. In contrast, backlinks from an external PBN blog network do not threaten your own website with exclusion from the index, only the sites in the network may disappear. The linked website will only lose its backlinks. That is what happens in the worst case scenario.
This type of link building strategy is also alive and well in Hungary, but it is already in the proximity of blackhat SEO. In contrast:
- We constantly monitor our blogs,
- We constantly remove broken links,
- Our domains have a low Spam Score
- Domains below DA10 are not in our portfolio,
- Where necessary, we also write unlinked content,
- Sites are located on multiple hosting accounts and on hundreds of unique C class IP addresses.
- Our prices include writing.
If you feel authentically convinced, order now from our most popular link packages!
“Premium” PBN link packages
10 Premium Articles
1600 characters long custom content, unique anchor text for all links containing the keywords requested
Domains between DA10 and DA19
Domain extension with .hu
The price of the package
36,000 HUF
Deadline is 1 month
40 Premium Articles
1600 characters long custom content, unique anchor text for all links containing the keywords requested
Domains between DA10 and DA19
Domain extension with .hu
Monthly rank tracking for the requested keywords, professional keyword research, and link building plan for four months
The price of the package
132,000 HUF
Special offer 129,600 HUF
Deadline is 4 months
Prices are without VAT, the invoice is issued by a Romanian company, so if you don’t have an EU tax number, the price will be higher by 19% Romanian VAT (TVA).
Among our own and our partners’ portfolio, we manage nearly 400 PBN blogs, with DA values ranging from 10 to 40+. If you need higher powered PBN links, ask for our unique offer!
When is PBN link building for you?
If you are just starting any low-budget website or webshop that has no Hungarian backlinks yet.
In this case, PBN links, based on the principle of less is more, work well in the long run as part of a more laid-back, well-scheduled link-building strategy, using carefully selected keywords (primarily focused on low search volume longtail or brand keywords).
Under long run, we mean 4-5 years, or even more depending on the strength of the market.
When is PBN link building not for you?
If you are launching a larger budget project in a stronger market with high search volume keywords, or you want to build a new brand with a clean, quality link profile from day one, then you clearly need to start with quality PR articles!
But even then, nothing precludes each subpage from getting stronger Domain Authority PBN links at the start, as part of a short Hungarian link building strategy, and then moving toward quality PR articles.
PBN link building also may not be right for you, if during a backlink profile check we notice that your website has lost a lot of links lately.
Basically, link loss is a natural process, links disappear, moving off the homepage of the linking blog. The link signals are getting weaker until Google ignores them completely after a while.
Google doesn’t give a penalty anymore for links that are classified as spam, but it is natural for the website to feel the loss of the link juice, both in terms of traffic and ranking.
If you can’t decide, or if you don’t know the link profile of your own website, ask us to review it before requesting a link building offer!
Link Building Hungary – What Do Metrics Mean?
I have referred to various metrics several times above, and although basically everyone who has had an interest in search engine optimization has met these terms, let me summarize them again.
When Google reset public Page Rank values, not only the Hungarian but also the foreign SEO professionals began looking for a commonly used value that could indicate the strength of a domain.
As a result, the SEO profession began to take SEOmoz metrics – developed by a marketing software company founded in 2004 – as an alternative to Page Rank after 2016.
MozRank is an SEO tool that offers complex metrics and is available through the self-developed MozBar.
It’s important to note that it works from its own database and has nothing to do with Google, but it used to be the only alternative to see how a domain or an entire website was evolving.
MozRank is so popular that the company has introduced some major improvements. In 2019, it was announced that for the estimation of the primary metric, the Domain Authority (DA), neural networks would be used to discover the backlinks of domains, their network and their power, instead of the previous linear model.
With all of this, they want to reduce the possibility of link manipulation. Last but not least, DA is a continuously, dynamically updated metric.
It is telling that the company’s additional assets are constantly working with nearly 35 trillion datapoints to determine the Domain Authority value.
MozRank metrics are:
- Domain Authority – one of the most important metrics, a relative measure of the strength of a domain. It is a mistake to give it exclusive importance, it is always worth comparing it with your competitor,
- Page Authority – shows the value of each subpage of the website,
- Spam Score – Shows spam score that the domain has in percentages, based on links from blocked or penalized websites in your link profile.
In addition, the English market is full of SEO tools that are independent stand-alone developments, unrelated to Google.
The role and data of these SEO tools should always be taken with a grain of salt, because in many cases we come to conflicting conclusions, if we cannot interpret the information.
When does Hungarian link building not work?
I asked you in the beginning to read this article through, because I was forced to hold some very important information to the end. Not because I used the latest marketing trick, it simply fits here best.
There is a phenomenon when link building doesn’t work.
In this case, the customer instinctively questions the quality of the links or the expertise of the Hungarian link building company. Obviously, this could be the source of the problem, but it is worth checking all the influencing technical factors at the outset.
It’s another question that if the Hungarian SEO company didn’t do this before building the links, it could also indicate lack of expertise.
As I said, in our experience, a website that strives for perfection in terms of content and technical factors is not enough in itself to bring organic results, but nor is link building alone, if:
- there is no adequate quantity and quality of textual content on the website,
- the site is technically incomplete,
- on page SEO settings are incomplete or non-existent,
- the wrong keywords were linked,
- there is no up-to-date content on the website,
In a high percentage of cases where link building does not work, the lack of these factors may be behind the failure.
Once we have eliminated these mistakes and done the necessary corrections, in our experience it can be ruled out that it will not work, all you have to do is choose the right link building method and strategy for Hungary.
I am confident that we changed your perspective on link building. Don’t hesitate any more, order from us, one of the leading link building agencies in Hungary!
If you can’t decide which type of link building can work for your website, we’ll help!
Name: Nagy Béla
Owner – SEO consultant
Phone: +40 770 696 413
Phone: +36 30 954 32 55
Spoken languages: french, hungarian, romanian